My Dear Friends in Christ,

Congratulations! Your graduation is a significant accomplishment, and the whole Church in the Diocese of Columbus rejoices with you. Your hard work has paid off. We are grateful for your parents, family members, teachers, administrators, coaches, and friends who have accompanied you on your journey and have helped you to make the most of your God-given talents.

Many years ago, when I was leaving for graduate studies, my archbishop told me, “Don’t let your studies get in the way of your education!” I think he meant that we also learn a great many things outside the classroom and from people – true and authentic witnesses to those values and virtues, including those of faith – which has to be truly great.

The purpose of education is not so much to give us all the answers or to make us efficient workers or to help us to get into the best college or graduate school; rather, it is to train the mind and heart to ask critical questions about that which is true, good, and beautiful and to lead us to discover the Truth, who is the person of Jesus Christ, the fulfillment of the desire of our hearts.

Jesus was the Teacher par excellence. He began his great Sermon on the Mount with the Beatitudes, those spiritual attitudes and dispositions – poverty of spirit, meekness, etc. – which He demands of his disciples. He then proceeded to tell them that they were the salt of the earth and the light of the world. 

You, graduates, are the salt of the earth. Salt preserves food from corruption. It is a symbol of purification. You must not only have pure hearts to see the face of God, but you must purify our toxic culture with the joy of the Gospel, with your faith in Jesus Christ. Salt is also a symbol of wisdom. St. Bonaventure says that Wisdom is knowledge infused with charity. It is not enough to have book smarts; we also need to having loving hearts. Finally, salt adds flavor. We are counting on you to add flavor to a world that has grown stale and is filled with hatred and violence. Be ambassadors of peace, adding the flavor of peace and joy to our society.

You are the light of the world. How dark our world is filled with sickness, suffering and senseless violence! How many people are forced to live in abject poverty, what Mother Teresa of Calcutta called “dark holes.” Go. Be the light of Christ. Once upon a time, the Church was portrayed as a lighthouse, a pillar of hope and strength amid the storms of this world. However, our times have changed and many people are so wounded that they cannot make it to the lighthouse, and they live in darkness. Bring the light of Christ to them.

Your education has brought you to this moment. You were made to be missionaries to bring this light into our world. Often, people will say that our young people are the future of the Church, but I say, “You are the Church of today.” We need your witness. We need your gifts. We need you.

As you go into the world or continue your studies, go with the grace of God and with the pride and admiration of your family members, friends and the people of God in Columbus. May the Immaculate Virgin Mary, the Seat of Wisdom, accompany you on your journey.

May God bless you. 

Yours in Christ,

Bishop Earl K. Fernandes