Sister Antoinette Cedrone, FMA, of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (Salesian Sisters) has been appointed by Bishop Earl Fernandes as his Delegate for Religious in the diocese. 

She began her duties, which include assisting in the Office of Vicariate Support, on Sept. 1.

Sister Antoinette succeeds Father Stash Dailey, formerly the diocesan director of religious order priests, sisters and brothers who also served during the previous two years at the Pontifical College Josephinum as vice rector of formation. 

Father Dailey became the pastor this summer at Worthington St. Michael the Archangel Church, where he previously served as a parochial vicar before becoming the administrator and then pastor at Columbus Holy Family Church for nine years.

"It is my great pleasure to welcome to the Diocese, Sister Antoinette Cedrone, FMA, who will serve as the Delegate of the Bishop to Religious,” Bishop Fernandes said in an announcement. “As a Salesian Sister with many years of experience, Sister Antoinette understands the unique needs and charisms of consecrated persons.

“In her role as delegate and in dealing with both male and female religious communities, she will work closely with Father William Hahn (vicar general), who also deals with many of the issues surrounding priest personnel, and with me.

"Her presence in the office of Vicariate Support will be of tremendous assistance to (Senior Director of Vicariate Support) Wendy Piper and others in the office who are making sure that our parishes and deaneries have the resources they need for evangelization during a time of transition and growth in the Diocese. I encourage everyone in the Diocese to welcome her warmly.”

Bishop Fernandes went on to thank Father Dailey for his service.

“At the same time, I want to express my gratitude to Father Stash Dailey, who has served as Vicar for Religious, in addition to many other duties in the Diocese,” Bishop Fernandes said. “His personal efforts, sacrifices and attention to relationships has brought new forms of religious, consecrated life to the Diocese of Columbus. The presence of religious women, priests and other consecrated persons helps our local church to remain diverse and to grow in its appreciation of the different charisms in the Church.

“Because of the presence of these religious, through his efforts, we are able again to have religious sisters and brothers serving as campus ministers, chaplains, and teachers in our schools. The presence of religious and missionary priests has helped some parishes remain open and others to thrive and grow. The entire Diocese owes Fr. Stash a debt of gratitude. We wish him well as he begins his pastorate at St. Michael Church in Worthington."