Emily Jaminet, executive director of the Sacred Heart Enthronement Network, has had a sixth book published, Holy Habits from the Sacred Heart. 

The Sacred Heart Enthronement Network spreads devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in homes, parishes and schools. Jaminet’s mission, both as director of this ministry and in writing her most recent book, is to “get Jesus in every single Catholic home and (have Him) welcomed as king, lord, savior and friend.”

As someone whose parents and grandparents have had a devotion to the Sacred Heart, Jaminet is passionate about informing Catholics of the blessings the devotion brings. When asked how the idea for Holy Habits from the Sacred Heart came about, she said, “I wanted to write a book about the love that flows from the Sacred Heart and help all Catholics see that this love is for everyone, not just those who already had a devotion to the Sacred Heart.”

The book, whose subtitle is “Ten Ways to Build Stronger, More Loving Relationships,” is organized into 10 sections, each focused on a different habit to adopt to strengthen connections with loved ones through Christ. 

In addition to a description of the habit and tangible ways to implement it, each chapter contains a personal testimony from someone whose life was changed through encountering the Sacred Heart and adopting that habit.

For example, the chapter titled “Welcome the Light: Overcome Shame with Faith in God’s Grace” includes testimony from a woman who once felt shame at the thought of appearing overly religious. “I just wanted to fit in,” she says of her hesitation to stand out as a faithful, practicing Catholic. 

Soon enough, however, she experienced what she called a “spiritual breakthrough” and allowed Jesus full rein in her life. “Now I realize how shortsighted I had been,” she said. “I realize that faith isn’t about compartmentalizing; instead, our faith illuminates our whole life.”

Jaminet, who is a mother of seven, said she has “spent a lot of time marveling at the ‘little miracles of the heart,’” such as this one. “When a heart is healed or softened, it is a tremendous gift,” she said. “No family is perfect. Each family has difficulties and, as a result, we all need Jesus. 

“This book is meant to strengthen our relationships as we (look) at our own hearts and see areas (where) we can grow in compassion, gratitude, forgiveness, and humility. (We can) better incorporate Jesus’ peace and the joy he offers. This book … brings the reader’s attention to the areas Jesus wants to work on.”

Of her own experience allowing the Sacred Heart to influence her relationships, Jaminet writes in the book about a time when she realized her need to practice joy and gratitude, which is the ninth of the 10 habits. 

“I remember a time when my … five-year-old inquired, ‘When you answer the phone, why are you so happy and nice? But when you talk to us, you are cranky and forget to say please?’ These words cut the core of my heart. I … realized that when someone I thought was important called, I would hush the kids, and … could have done it with more kindness and consideration! 

“I was the one who stole the joy of the moment. … This was a powerful lesson for me to … work on maintaining a disposition of peace and joy at home.”

Jaminet, who also serves as RCIA program coordinator at Columbus St. Andrew Church, attributes much of her devotion to the Sacred Heart to her parents, Chuck and Joann Wilson, who frequently assist Columbus families and organizations in the enthronement process. 

Joann, whose own parents and grandparents had the same devotion, is quoted in the introduction of Holy Habits from the Sacred Heart, calling the Sacred Heart the “cornerstone” of her family’s faith. “Like the air they breathed, devotion to the Sacred Heart has filled our hearts and homes now for four generations.”

Holy Habits from the Sacred Heart was published by Ave Maria Press and is available for purchase on its website, avemariapress.com, or via Amazon. 

For more information on the Sacred Heart Enthronement Network, or to learn how to enthrone the Sacred Heart, visit welcomehisheart.com.