“God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.” – Sarah in Genesis 21:6 

Stand-up comedian John Branyan, who is known for his clean, family friendly comedy that appeals to all ages, said, “We didn’t think up laughter; that wasn’t our idea. That was given to us by God who knew we were going to need it to get through life. He knew we were going to have hardships. He knew we were going to have struggles. He knew stuff was going to happen. … Laughter is a gift.”

A quick look at some of the creatures God made (including me) should bring laughter: Some are odd (the duck-billed platypus), and some are just fun to watch (playful otters and baby goats). God made mammals that live in the ocean and long-legged birds that cannot fly. God clearly has a sense of humor. 

Because we are created in His image, we, too, have the joy of laughter. I firmly believe if I want to make God laugh, I just need to explain my plans for my life to Him.

I heard God laugh at the end of February when I fell (full disclosure, I also cannot keep from laughing when someone falls before I offer assistance  – it’s human nature!). The accident put me in a rehab center for six weeks waiting to have a knee replaced. After a few weeks of rehab I was back home. Luckily our amazing diocesan IT office provided we with a hotspot and the support I needed to “stay” on the job (minus the first week after surgery – better living through chemistry, you know).

God provides references to laughter in the Bible, first, with the story of Abraham and Sarah. God promised the elderly couple a child, “a son who is your own flesh and blood will be your heir.” (Genesis 15:4) 

Sarah finally gave birth at 90 to Isaac, meaning “laugh”. Also, Sarah proclaims that “God has given me cause to laugh and all who hear of it will laugh with me.” (Genesis 21:6)

Anyone who knows me (casually or closely) knows I love to laugh and actively search for anything that can bring me a smile or a full-throated guffaw! I believe we need to take laughter seriously – for the Bible tells me so (smile if you know that childhood song). Here are some of my favorite biblical citations for humor, laughter and joy. (I listed only a few, as I found more than 100!)

•    “A joyful heart is the health of the body.” (Proverbs


•    “Then our mouths were filled with laughter, and         our tongues sang with joy.” (Psalm 126:2)

•    “A time to weep and a time to laugh.” (Ecclesiastes 


•    “Rejoice with those who rejoice.” (Romans 12:15)

•    “And you will have joy and gladness.” (Luke 1:14)

•    “Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory.” (I Peter 1:8)

•    “When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly

    with great joy.” (Matthew 2:10)

•    “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have         been faithful. … Enter into the joy of your master.” 

    (Matthew 25:21)

•    “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and             peace in believing.” (Romans 15:13)

Dear God, thank You for giving me the gift of laughter! 

In the next week, find time to laugh at yourself, bring a smile to others and rejoice in the Lord.