Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has asked that a second collection be taken for Catholic Home Missions Appeal. Four out of 10 dioceses in the United States lack the resources to provide basic pastoral care for their faithful without outside help. Throughout the United States, a collection is taken one weekend each year to help these churches. The collection in the Diocese of Columbus will be taken on the weekend of June 1-2, 2024.  

Catholic Home Mission funds help to create strong and vibrant communities of faith. The collection responds to people’s material and spiritual needs, offering ongoing spiritual formation and ministry training. It also brings the flame of God’s love into many hearts, both in urban and remote areas. The appeal helps sustain the Catholic faith and the continuous celebration of the Sacraments. 

Our prayers and support for the appeal help meet the faith needs in mission dioceses, which include the rural areas of the South (Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, and the Carolinas); Appalachian regions, including here in Ohio; Alaska; and the Caribbean. Helping satisfy the spiritual needs of our brothers and sisters across America unites all of us as a Catholic family. I invite you to respond generously to the Catholic Home Missions Appeal.

May the Lord bless us in our efforts to help expand and strengthen the presence of the Church at home.

Grateful for your generosity and prayers, I remain

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Earl Fernandes

Bishop of Columbus