A new Marian grotto at Sunbury St. John Neumann Church was dedicated during a Mass celebrated by Bishop Earl Fernandes on Sunday, May 12.

The dedication was timely, as Sunday was not only the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord but also Mother’s Day. The Marian grotto was built in honor of the Mother of God.

“The construction of the grotto is one small way I wanted to thank our Blessed Mother,” said Father Daniel Dury, the pastor at St. John Neumann. “I thank her for all she has done for me throughout my life, but also, and more importantly, what she has done for all of us.

“Through her ‘yes’ she helped bring about the salvation of the human race. I know that she will continue to intercede for all those who come here and visit her.”

Construction of the grotto began in June 2023. The parish held a groundbreaking blessing of the site, which was then a grove of trees.

Less than a year later, the grotto, which features a statue of the Blessed Mother and the words “Ave Maria, Gratia Plena” (Hail Mary, Full of Grace), is complete and used by parishioners for various forms of prayer.

“Parishioners have already begun using the grotto for personal devotion and group rosaries,” said Jackie Sutton, the stewardship director at St. John Neumann. “We anticipate offering Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in years to come.”

Several parishioners participated in a 33-day preparation for consecration to Jesus through Mary ahead of the dedication. During Mass, the bishop led the congregation in a prayer of consecration.

The Marian Grotto includes an altar for Mass, a crucifix, candles, kneelers and benches, as well as a statue of St. Bernadette Soubirous, whom the Blessed Mother appeared to in Lourdes, France.

Construction was completed at the end of 2023 and landscaping was added earlier this spring.

“When Mary appeared to St. Juan Diego in Mexico and St. Bernadette in France, she asked that a shrine be built in her honor, ultimately to lead people to her Son,” Sutton said.

The idea for a grotto at St. John Neumann was presented to Father Dury by longtime parishioners Joe and Marge Gernert. A group of parishioners worked with Father Dury and architect Scott Harper to design the space.

  “The rendering was presented in January 2023, and it didn’t take much to encourage our parishioners to participate in raising the funds needed,” Sutton said.

Funds were raised through St. John Neumann’s “Magnify the Lord” capital campaign. The campaign is intended to draw souls to Jesus Christ and lead individuals to a transformative encounter with God through enhancing the liturgical life and parish grounds at St. John Neumann.  

In addition to the grotto, funds were raised for a new digital organ, two new confessionals and renovation of classroom spaces for group meetings. The parish continues to raise funds for the final piece of the campaign – a bell tower outside of the church’s main entrance that is set to be installed this summer.

To make a contribution, visit www.saintjohnsunbury.org or contact Sutton at 740-965-1358 x23 or [email protected].