As I sat in Mrs. Van Evra’s eighth-grade language arts classroom in 2003, I knew that I wanted to be a teacher, but I had no idea that I would one day work side-by-side with someone who had such an influence on my education.  

After graduating from Lancaster St. Mary School and Fisher Catholic High School, I entered Ohio Dominican University and earned my teaching degree.  

During my first week as a teacher in Columbus, I received a note in my mailbox. It was from Mrs. Van Evra, my former teacher, congratulating me as I embarked on my teaching journey.  

Her words of encouragement gave me confidence, and I knew that Mrs. Van Evra was by my side, believing in me just as she had done when I was a student in her classroom. 

In spring 2021, I interviewed for a position at St. Mary School where I attended years ago. My husband and I had purchased a home close to the school, and I felt called to apply. I had complete trust that our Lord’s will would be done, but I was still nervous the day of my interview.  

When I walked into the interview, I was greeted by Mrs. Van Evra’s thoughtful, warm and welcoming smile, and anxiety was replaced with joy. My face lit up, and I said, “Mrs. Van Evra, it is so good to see you!”  

With a kind and gentle voice, she said, “Oh please, it is Kathleen.” I smiled and said, “It will always be Mrs. Van Evra.”  

Transitioning from her student to her peer to her administrator has been such a gift and an honor. As her student, I was the recipient of her engaging and thoughtful lessons. As her teaching peer, I was the fortunate beneficiary of her support and encouragement. As her administrator, I was the proud supervisor of her awe-inspiring talent and generosity.  

Mrs. Van Evra’s love for her faith was life-giving, and her enthusiasm for language arts was contagious. The knowledge that I gained while I was her student was far greater than the standards and curriculum she taught; Mrs. Van Evra taught me to be to be kind, joyful, faith-filled and at the service of others.  

She has been an incredible mentor, teacher and friend. We are saddened to no longer have her in the building every day, but we know that her legacy will remain for years to come through the gifts that she has imparted on her thousands of students.  

Mrs. Van Evra, we are so grateful and proud and hope that you enjoy the well-deserved peace and family-filled moments of your retirement. 

Kayla Elrich is the principal of Lancaster St. Mary School.