Few topics are more challenging in the Church today than divorce. Ending a marriage is incredibly painful for those involved; what’s worse, few Catholics seem to understand Church teachings on the topic.

As a result, many who are divorced stop attending Mass or leave the faith altogether. They become “lost sheep.” 

Whether they experienced divorce years ago or are in the midst of it now, they often feel rejection and shame. Many also fear being judged by their communities or fellow parishioners. They have questions, and many who minister to the laity are unsure when trying to give meaningful answers.

For this reason, for many years, several parishes in the Columbus diocese have offered a 12-week program titled “Surviving Divorce: Hope and Healing for the Catholic Family.” 

This program, created by author and speaker Rose Sweet, offers answers and guidance concerning the many issues surrounding divorce, annulments, remarriage, parenting and more. It brings the divorced through emotional healing, the power of forgiveness and into a more vibrant relationship with Christ and the Church.

Each session begins with a 30-minute video presentation addressing a specific topic, followed by small-group discussion. Participants receive a Personal Survival Guide workbook that contains all the points discussed throughout the program.    

The parishes offering “Surviving Divorce” and the starting dates and times are:

•    Lancaster St. Mary of the Assumption, Tuesday, Jan. 10, 6:30 p.m.

•    Powell St. Joan of Arc, Wednesday, Jan. 18, 7 p.m.

•    Newark St. Francis de Sales, Sunday, Jan. 29, 9:45 a.m. (between Masses) 

Details can be found at DivorcedCatholicColumbus.org, the online home for Non Solum (Latin for “not alone”), a local Catholic apostolate that helps separated and divorced Catholics find hope and healing in the Church. 

Through its website and MeetUp.com group, Non Solum promotes “Surviving Divorce” for the diocese as well as growing a network of caring individuals who can assist fellow Catholics going through divorce. 

Do you know a fellow Catholic who is quietly suffering through divorce, or have you experienced divorce yourself and want to help others walking a similar path? 

To find out more, visit DivorcedCatholicColumbus.org or call (614) 205-0830. Non Solum welcomes your call.  

Keith F. Luscher is a co-founder of Non Solum Columbus and a member of Newark St. Francis de Sales Church. He can be reached at [email protected] or (614) 205-0830.