Bishop Emeritus James Griffin was the principal celebrant for a Mass at Columbus St. Joseph Cathedral on Thursday, June 13, his 90th birthday.

He was joined on the altar for the Mass on the feast of St. Anthony of Padua by Bishop Emeritus Frederick Campbell, his successor; priests from the diocese and deacons.

Among the attendees in the congregation were Bishop Griffin’s only living sibling, Mary Lou Kistner, and nephew Thomas Kistner from the Cleveland area.

Bishop Emeritus James Griffin was joined after Mass by his sister, Mary Lou Kistner (left), and nephew Thomas Kistner. CT photo by Ken Snow

A Cleveland native, Bishop Griffin served as a priest, an administrator and an auxiliary bishop in the Diocese of Cleveland before he was named to lead the Diocese of Columbus in 1983. He spent 21 years as bishop of Columbus until 2004, when a health issue forced him to retire at age 70.

Bishop Emeritus James Griffin celebrates Mass at St. Joseph Cathedral on June 13, his 90th birthday. CT photo by Ken Snow

He has remained active in the diocese since his retirement, living in a condominium in Powell while participating in various liturgies and events.

“My brothers and sisters, as I celebrate today, my heart is filled with thanksgiving,” Bishop Griffin said in his homily. “I thank God for the 90 years of life he’s given me and for the rivers of grace that he’s poured into those 90 years.”

He went on to thank his family, brother priests, friends and “anyone who has had an impact on my life.”

“You know, they say it takes a village to raise a child,”  he said. “Well, I can’t imagine how many folks it took to form a bishop, but I think each one of them.

“And I thank Bishop (Earl) Fernandes for inviting me to celebrate this liturgy and I think each one of you for being here with me to give thanks to God.”

A reception was held afterward in the Cathedral undercroft.

Bishop Emeritus James Griffin (front row, center) was joined by Bishop Emeritus Frederick Campbell (front row, second from right), priests and deacons from the diocese for a Mass at St. Joseph Cathedral on his 90th birthday. CT photo by Ken Snow