Cardinal Christophe Pierre, the Vatican’s apostolic nuncio to the United States, will be at the Walter Commons of Columbus St. Charles Preparatory School, 2010 E. Broad St., for a panel discussion on the life and work of Servant of God Msgr. Luigi Giussani from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 11.

Giussani (1922-2005) was a noted Christian educator of the 20th century and his book The Risk of Education will be the topic of discussion. Panelists will examine his vision for passing on the faith. 

His approach to education attracted people of all ages and the movement he began, Communion and Liberation, is one of the largest in today’s Catholic Church. 

Bishop Earl Fernandes, who will moderate the discussion, said, “When I read The Risk of Education the first time, it changed my life. It changed my approach to teaching and to education. It made me rethink my method of evangelization. This text is for our time, as the Holy Father is calling for credible witnesses who accompany the young in the journey of faith.”

Educators, parents and students all are invited to the discussion. There is no charge. For more information, contact Holly Peterson at [email protected].

Young adult conference set for Oct. 19 at St. Joan of Arc 

This year’s Columbus Catholic Young Adult Conference, for anyone ages 18 to 35, will be on Saturday, Oct. 19 at Powell St. Joan of Arc Church, 10700 Liberty Road.

Keynote speakers will be Father Patrick Schultz, parochial vicar at Sacred Heart of Jesus parish in Wadsworth, and Sister Meredith Boquiren, OCD, of the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles.

Registration is available at the conference website, The cost is $40 per person with no charge for priests, deacons, religious sisters and brothers and seminarians. The cost includes a continental breakfast and full lunch and dinner.  

There will be an optional Mass and Reconciliation in the morning, with the conference starting at 10 a.m., and there will be a vigil Mass before the closing dinner. For more information, contact the conference leadership team at [email protected].

Marian billboard program announced in central Ohio

Tim McAndrew of the Laity for Mercy campaign wants to promote devotion to the Virgin Mary by placing billboards in several central Ohio locations and is asking for financial assistance to pay for the campaign.

The first billboard is in place in the 800 block of West Broad Street, less than a mile from downtown Columbus. The billboards include an image of Mary and the words “Behold Your Mother – Jesus.”

‘The billboards will be seen by Catholics and non-Catholics and, with the grace of God, may change hearts. Realizing these are turbulent economic times, we know the good Lord will richly bless you in your generosity, as He can't be outdone. Many graces will flow by spreading devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary,” McAndrew said.

McAndrew is arranging with Lamar Advertising for placement of the billboards. All donations are tax deductible. Donations may be made online at or by writing a check payable to Laity for Mercy and sending it to Tim McAndrew, Laity for Mercy, 5133 Collins Way, Grove City, OH 43123. 

For more information, call (614) 565-8654 or (614) 832-3862 or email [email protected].

St. Monica prayer service scheduled in Hilliard

A St. Monica prayer service will take place at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 27 at Hilliard St Brendan the Navigator Church, 4475 Dublin Road.

The service will include music, Scripture and testimony, with a prayer team on hand to help pray for all Catholics no longer practicing the faith and those who are on the edge, and for the faithful to be strengthened to go out on mission and bring them home. 

St. Monica lived in the fourth century and prayed constantly for the conversion of her son Augustine, who became one of the greatest saints of the church. She often is cited as an example of the power of persistent prayer.

Serra sponsors vocation lunch for young women

The annual Serra Club of North Columbus vocations luncheon for young women will take place from 11 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 1 in the Jessing Center of the Pontifical College Josephinum, 7625 N. High St., Columbus.

“Hubs and Spokes: Steering Into Sanctity” will be the title of a talk by Salesian Sister Elfie del Rosario, FMA, on a young woman’s tools for growing in faith.

Anyone wishing to attend is asked to RSVP by Wednesday, Sept. 25 to [email protected].

Holy Family alumni group plans final reunion

The Holy Family School Alumni Association announces that its final all-alumni reunion will take place Saturday, Sept. 14. A 4 p.m. alumni vigil Mass will be celebrated at Columbus Holy Family Church, 584 W. Broad St., followed by refreshments and a raffle in the church undercroft. 

The church and the undercroft are now accessible by an elevator on the east entrance of the church. For more details, contact Genny (Welker) Temple at [email protected] or (614) 539-4815.