In response to Christ’s call to “go and teach all nations,” the Vatican’s Society for the Propagation of the Faith supports the pastoral and evangelization programs of the missions throughout the world.

The society is the main source of support for the mission dioceses worldwide. The membership drive on the weekend of Jan. 20-21 is an opportunity for us to become society members.

Our promise of support through prayer and financial help is the only requirement for membership. Mass is celebrated daily for society members at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.

In 2023, the faithful in the Diocese of Columbus contributed $47,765.38 to the society’s membership drive. On behalf of the diocese, I thank you for your generosity. Donors and their intentions remain in the prayers of missionaries. I sincerely thank you on behalf of the Church’s missionaries and the people whom they serve.

The Society for the Propagation of the Faith offers every baptized person the opportunity to live their faith by sharing it with others and experiencing its universal dimension. To join or renew your membership, place your donation in the “Membership Sunday” envelope for the missions that is included in your parish’s January packet of collection envelopes.

Mission always expresses a concern for the lives of others, and it is the holiest duty of the faithful to be witnesses to Christ through our lives and the explicit proclamation of Jesus Christ. We also must appreciate the families of missionaries, especially parents who have encouraged their sons and daughters to serve the Church.

According to the Second Vatican Council, the origin of the Church is from the missions of the Son and the Holy Spirit as decreed by the Father, “the fountain of love,” Who desires the salvation of the whole human race.

“Missions” is the term for the work of those sent out by the Church to preach the Gospel and plant the Church among people who do not yet believe in Christ.

In his letters, St. Paul often speaks of how the young churches of his time helped one another with financial needs.

A friend in New England wrote to the Propagation of the Faith saying, “I enclose $500 for the missions. I wish it could be more, but I am living on a fixed income, which is not large. I try to stretch it and live economically.

“I have lived alone for more than 20 years … do my own work and get my own meals with no help. I’m past 90 now. My husband and all my brothers and sisters are gone and I’m still here. Left to pray for them. Thank God for the privilege.”

Another co-missionary from California says, “I’m giving this gift outright to God for the work in the missions. There is so little I can do otherwise on account of age and poor eyesight. I’m just giving back to God what He has given to me. This is to help spread His Gospel so that others can share in our beautiful faith.”

As Jesus told us, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations. ... Teach them to carry out everything I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:18-20) This mandate was meant for each of us because, by baptism, we became missionaries.

We are privileged to continue the mission of Jesus through our prayers, financial support and concern for the poor to reach out to those who do not know Christ. Many donors have enrolled themselves or their loved ones, living or deceased, in the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. By doing so, they give an ongoing gift to members and the missions. 

The Church never turns from the basic task entrusted to her, that of proclaiming the Gospel to all nations. 

The unity of faith and love among Christians drives us to help others in their need. Some people give to the missions by going to mission places, and some are going to missions by giving. Without both, there is no mission. 

Every Christian in every place and in every time is a missionary. All of us who have received the Gospel of Jesus Christ are charged with the task of living the Gospel in a visible way. We must carry on our true treasure, Jesus. Let us hold Him in our hearts and seek Him, find Him in every person whom we encounter every day.