The Church is a missionary by her nature. Through faith and baptism, each of Christ’s followers is incorporated as a living member in the Church and has an active part in her mission of salvation. 

In 2022, the faithful in the Diocese of Columbus contributed $50,605.37 to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith (SPOF) membership drive. On behalf of Bishop Earl Fernandes, I thank you for your generosity. Donors and their intentions remain in the prayers of missionaries. 

Membership renewal for the SPOF takes place Jan. 14-15. In addition, consider including the society in your will or trust. Your legacy will live on, and your life will touch the world for many generations.

The Universal Solidarity Fund has its roots in the behavior of the first Christian community mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles: “The community of believers was of one heart and mind, and no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they had everything in common. In fact, there was no needy person among them, for those who owned property or houses would sell them, bring the proceeds of the sale, and put them at the feet of the apostles, and they were distributed to each according to need.” (Acts 4: 32, 34-35) 

The first Christians gave birth to specific forms of commitment both for the poor and for the mission. The community in Jerusalem had endowed itself with both a charitable structure, which hinged first on the 12 Apostles and later on the deacons, and a solidarity fund, the result of free offers and free contributions from the sale of property. 

These collections were initiated by St. Paul and were carried out with a charitable purpose. 

The SPOF belongs personally and by appointment to the Holy Father. We want the world to know the joys of the faith. We are mission-minded when we give to the SPOF, and we share our joy with the poor. We can share what we have with those who have no eyes, no shoes and not enough food. God will reward us for every sacrifice. The Heavenly Father who sees in secret will reward us in secret. 

We can exchange our possessions in this life for the possessions to be enjoyed in the next. Our Lord said: “In the world you will only find tribulation; But take courage, I have overcome the World.” (John 16:33)  

The missions grow in the shade of the cross. The Vicar of Christ and his Society for the Propagation of the Faith have no money set aside for investment; the needs of the poor so exceed the revenue that all alms are given to them immediately. 

We are instruments of Christ. We must not turn away from the needy; rather, we can touch them with compassion by our love. What a beautiful chance there is for a sacrifice to help the sick and poor by contributing to the SPOF. We can give up one movie, one dance, a package of cigarettes, one vacation, one party and send the sacrifice to the Holy Father through this organization.

Our Lord has willed in us that His infallible truth, His heavenly life and His divine authority be poured out to all souls through His Church. We read this in the Bible: “It is through Him we have received the grace of apostleship; all over the world men must be taught to honor His Name by paying Him the homage of faith.” (St. Paul to the Romans 1:5) 

Members of the SPOF (living or deceased) receive the graces of 15,000 Masses offered each day by missionaries. Likewise, Mass is offered daily at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome for society members. 

To join or renew your membership, enclose your donation in the “Membership Sunday” envelope for the missions, which is included in your parish’s January packet of collection envelopes. 

In response to Christ’s call to “go and teach all nations,” the SPOF supports the pastoral and evangelization programs of missions throughout the world. In many mission locations, funds from the SPOF memberships are a substantial means of support. 

Many missionary priests rely on this donation, and your generosity will be a spiritual benefit to your loved ones and a financial gift to the missions.