The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, along with other bishops’ conferences throughout the world, has designated one collection a year – the Peter’s Pence Collection – to provide Pope Francis with the financial means to help those suffering as a result of war, natural disasters and disease. 

In 2022, the Diocese of Columbus contributed $57,757.92 to this special collection. On behalf of Bishop Earl Fernandes, thank you for your generosity. In the diocese, the collection will be taken on the weekend of June 24-25. This collection allows parishioners to actively demonstrate unity with the pope, display our personal support for his mission as vicar of Christ and help our needy.

The faithful’s offerings to the Holy Father will fund Church needs, humanitarian initiatives and social promotion projects, as well as support the Holy See. The pope, being pastor of the whole Church, is attentive to the material needs of poor dioceses, religious institutes and of the faithful in grave difficulties.  

According to Canon Law, “The Roman Pontiff and the college of bishops have the supreme direction and coordination of endeavors and actions which belong to missionary work and missionary cooperation.” (Can. 782 §1). 

By participating in the Peter’s Pence Collection, the diocese helps fund not only all the activities of the dicasteries of the Roman Curia that assist the pope in his ministry but also solidarity projects to aid those most in need, including his immediate neighbors in Rome. 

We are bound to each other through Christ, who is the Savior of every human being and Creator of the universe. God awaits the good deeds of His children toward those whom we encounter every day. 

We are accountable for our souls and others before God, Who commanded us to be brothers and sisters to one another in every need. We are obliged to help others as we can, either physically or spiritually. Through our generous help, we can be hope for hopeless.

The Holy Father’s works of mercy and outreach to people on the margins are often depicted in stories of his travels, but he also shows Christ’s love to the people of Rome. In October 2021, 25 volunteer doctors from the Apostolic Almoner’s Mater Misericordiae outpatient clinic offered care and consultation to anyone in need and unable to receive assistance through the National Health Service. 

In just one day, the doctors conducted examinations, prescribed medications and offered medical advice to about 200 patients who otherwise could not afford treatment, including older people and children.

The general criterion that inspires the Peter’s Pence Collection is derived from the primitive Church: “The primary source of support for the Apostolic See should be in offerings freely given by Catholics throughout the whole world, and by other persons of good will. This is in harmony with a tradition dating back to the Gospel (cf. Luke 10:7) and the teaching of the Apostles (cf. 1 Corinthians 9:11-14).” (Letter of Pope John Paul II to the Cardinal Secretary of State, Nov. 20, 1982)

Let us be aware of the need and not miss the opportunity of the Peter’s Pence Collection to comfort the needy, sorrowful, desperate and suffering. Thus, one day, we all can meet together in heaven before the throne of God. 

It is a sign of our communion with the Holy Father, and it is also an opportunity for us to help those in need as we are mandated to do by Christ. When used for charitable outreach, funds from this collection help those most in need. Take this opportunity to join with Pope Francis and be a sign of mercy. Please be generous!

Sister Zephrina Mary, F.I.H, is director of the Diocesan Missions Office.

Bishop encourages faithful to offer support

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has designated one weekend a year as the Holy Father’s Collection, commonly called “Peter’s Pence.” This annual collection, in support of the Holy Father’s charitable work, is held in parishes around the world. This year in the Diocese of Columbus the Peter’s Pence Collection is on the weekend of June 24 and 25.

The proceeds from this collection fund the Pope’s emergency assistance relief programs throughout the world. The programs help suffering victims of war, oppression and natural disasters. The collection, which helps more than one billion Catholics around the world, is an expression of Christ’s love for the poor.

Through works of charity, the Church provides a powerful witness of love and in the protection of the weak, the defenseless, and the voiceless, comforting those who suffer and helping the impoverished to flourish.

Join our brothers and sisters in faith from around the globe in helping the Pope carry out his ministry to the universal Church as we attempt to assist those who live at the spiritual and existential peripheries of our world.

As the Solemnity of the Apostles Peter and Paul approaches, join me in praying for the Holy Father and for those in need throughout the world.

Grateful to you for your continuing generosity and support and assuring you of my prayers, I remain

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Earl K. Fernandes

Bishop of Columbus