In the aftermath of the recent Election Day results, our hearts are heavy as we reflect on the passage of state Issue 1, a measure that enshrines abortion into the Ohio Constitution. This development marks a profound moment of sorrow for all who cherish human life and dignity. 

As a community grounded in faith and love, we may find ourselves grappling with deep disappointment, a sentiment that resonates with the core of our Catholic social teachings.

The passage of Issue 1 is not merely a political event; it is a mirror reflecting the troubling aspects of our current culture. It reveals a society increasingly detached from the sanctity of life, one where the intrinsic value of the unborn is overshadowed by the noise of modernity. 

This outcome is a tragic one, signaling a disconnect from the understanding that every life, from conception to natural death, is a precious gift from God.

In these times, we mourn the unborn children whose lives will be lost and lament the women and families who will be wounded, physically and spiritually, by the scourge of abortion. This pain is real and profound, echoing through generations.

Yet, in our sorrow, we must not lose hope. The efforts of countless individuals who worked tirelessly to defeat this constitutional amendment shine as beacons of light. Their dedication is a testament to the enduring spirit of those who advocate for life. 

In their commitment, we are reminded of the words of a great saint, Pope St. John Paul II, who said, “Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are an Easter people and Alleluia is our song.”

Their efforts, though not resulting in the desired outcome, have not been in vain. They have laid the groundwork for a continued journey toward building a culture that fully respects and cherishes life. 

This journey requires us to engage more deeply in prayer for life, to tirelessly work to change hearts and minds, to walk compassionately with those in need and to advocate for just laws that uphold the dignity of the most vulnerable among us.

This path is not an easy one, but it is necessary. We are called to be the hands and feet of Christ, bringing His love and truth to a world in desperate need of both. We must continue to educate, to support and to love, always remembering that every human encounter is an opportunity to affirm the value of life.

To all who dedicated their time, energy and prayers to the campaign against Issue 1, I extend my heartfelt gratitude. Your commitment to the cause of life is a powerful witness to the love and mercy of Christ. 

I encourage you to persist in this noble work. The road ahead may be fraught with challenges, but let us move forward with the firm belief that a culture of life and a civilization of love can indeed be realized.

In the face of disappointment, let us cling to hope. Let us be inspired by the conviction that, though the night might be dark, the dawn of a new respect for life is on the horizon. Together, with faith as our guide and love as our compass, we will continue to work, pray and hope for the day when every life is cherished and protected.     

Jerry Freewalt is director of the diocesan Office for Social Concerns and the Respect Life coordinator.