One of the wonderful gifts of exercising with others is that we can support each other on our journey of health and wellness. While I’ve retired from teaching strength classes, I am blessed to have a workout partner who is also a friend on mission for Jesus. Having a desire to be holy and healthy helps us to persevere and to stay accountable on this journey together.

In our spiritual lives, we rely on each other and walk with others who are also seeking to grow in holiness. I’ve been blessed to be part of several communities of Catholics and I have grown so much by being on mission with others. 

For example, the SoulCore leaders, of which I’m blessed to be part of for many years, are doing an eight-week study with prayer and scripture to seek to improve our physical and spiritual health. We gather on Zoom weekly to learn and share how the lessons are impacting us and we pray for and encourage one another.

From Hebrews 10 24-25, “We must consider how to rouse one another to love and good works. We should not stay away from our assembly, as is the custom of some, but encourage one another …”

We know as Catholics that we are called to evangelize and a big part of that is encouraging those who God places in our lives. Inviting others to serve with us in ministry, to go to Mass, attend Adoration, join Bible studies, special events and pilgrimages can be a powerful time of growing closer to our Lord and our neighbor.

St. Theresa of Avila said, “What a great favor God does when He places us in the company of good people.”

In my daily prayer time, I write 10 “things” I’m grateful for and inevitably there is so much gratitude for family and friends who I had the joy of spending time with recently. 

At the retirement center where I take communion, it is beautiful to watch the friendships develop and grow around being Catholic or Christian. (We have several wonderful Protestants who come to the Catholic communion service.) Faith is a beautiful basis for lasting and loving friendship.

St. Pope John Paul II said, “Man becomes an image of God, not so much in the solitude as in the moments of communion.”

The camaraderie we have as Catholics is beautiful, and as we enter the third year of the Eucharistic Revival, we are called to go out and invite others to get to know Jesus. I’ve been asking in prayer for the Lord to show me who and where He wants me to go. The Lord has already highlighted a friend I don’t see often enough and I’ve invited her to do a book study with me. I’m looking forward to reconnecting with her and to see how Jesus will work through our renewed friendship.

St. Maximilian Kolbe said, “God sends us friends to be our firm support in the whirlpool of struggle. In the company of friends, we will find strength to attain our sublime ideal.” Let us give thanks for the joy that our brothers and sisters in Christ bring us on this journey to know, love and serve Jesus more each day.